Web Options
Resource Table web options
RESOURCETABLE Activates the Resource Table where content links such as Pathfinder Pro, WebBridge, INN-Reach, Partners, Z39.50, EBADDRESS, and WEBADDRESS defined links are displayed in the WebPAC. This option also defines certain attributes of the Resource Table.
For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide and Reference, Page# 106891 General Display and Behavior Options.
This element contains the attributes for the cell where the content links table is inset. This element contains the attributes for the content links table. This field contains the percentage of screen space used by the content links table. By default, the value is 15. The HTML attributes defining text or the image used as the title in the first row of the content links table. |
For example: RESOURCETABLE=valign="top"|cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"||Elsewhere
Note that the opening < and closing > brackets are not provided for the <CELL ATT> and <TABLE ATT> elements in the example above. The WebPAC assigns these elements as values for the <TD> and <TABLE> tags, respectively. For example, the <CELL ATT> element of valign="top" creates a <td valign="top > tag.
RIGHT_CELL_WIDTH Defines the width of the rightmost column in the browse and bibliographic level displays in the WebPAC. If you have defined the RESOURCETABLE web option, then the resource table will appear in the rightmost column and will be affected by the RIGHT_CELL_WIDTH web option. If this option is not defined, the WebPAC uses this default setting: RIGHT_CELL_WIDTH=25|25.
For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide and Reference, Page# 106891 General Display and Behavior Options
The web option format is:
<browse> <bib> |
Defines the column width for the rightmost column in the browse display. Defines the column width for the rightmost column in the bibliographic display. |
Resource Top Frame (when a Pathfinder Pro Resource is opened in a frame)
On the Pathfinder Pro Resource Definition Page, you can choose to open a resource in a frame in the current browser window or in a new browser window.
Note that the FRAMEURL web option does not control the height of the top frame for Pathfinder Pro resource displays. The frame height for a Pathfinder Pro resource is system-generated.
There are three buttons in the top frame. The top frame graphics are set by web options.
Top Frame web options |
ICON_BUT_CLOSEFRAME | Defines the graphic image to use for "Close Frame" button.
For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide and Reference, Page # 106937 WebBridge Options. For example: <ICON_BUT_CLOSEFRAME=<img src="/screens/close_frame.gif" alt="Close Frame" border ="0" /> |
ICON_BUT_RESOURCELINK | Defines the graphic image to use for link to the Pathfinder Pro panel. For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide and Reference, Page # 106937 WebBridge Options.
For example: ICON_BUT_RESOURCELINK=<img src="/screens/resourcelink.gif" alt="Other Resources" border="0" /> |
ICON_BUT_RET2RESOURCE | Defines the graphic image to use for "Return to Resource List".
For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide and Reference, Page # 106937 WebBridge Options. For example: ICON_BUT_RET2RESOURCE=<img src="/screens/ret2resource.gif" alt="Return to Resource" border="0" /> |
ICON_BUT_RET2CAT | Defines the graphic image to use for "Return to Catalog".
For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide and Reference, Page # 106891 General Display and Behavior Options. For example: ICON_BUT_RET2CAT=<SPAN CLASS="strong">Return to Catalog</strong> |
WebBridge Consortia web options |
ICON_WBCONSORT | Defines a message and linking to an affiliation-specific Popup Panel.
For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide and Reference, Page # 106937 WebBridge Options. For example: ICON_WBCONSORT=See More Resources for <%a%s><SUBMIT> |
When the search is scoped and therefore associated with an affiliation, "%a" is replaced with a hyperlinked affiliation name. Clicking the hyperlinked name submits the form. The "%s" has no functionality when the search is scoped. | |
When the search is NOT scoped and therefore not associated with an affiliation, "%a" is replaced with a drop-down menu of affiliation names. The "%s" element inserts the submit icon defined in the ICON_WBCONSORT_SUBMIT web option. | |
ICON_WBCONSORT_SUBMIT | Defines the graphic to use for the "Submit" button when the user resubmits a search after selecting an affiliation.
For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide and Reference, Page # 106937 WebBridge Options. For example: ICON_WBCONSORT_SUBMIT=/screens/submit.gif. |