
You can capture statistics about the usage of Resources and the WebPAC / Millennium origins. You can log:

The number of times a resource is viewed A view is logged whenever a target resource link is offered to the user. Views are logged by resource.
The number of times a resource is viewed and 'clicked-through' A 'click-through' is logged whenever a user clicks an offered target resource hyperlink. 'Click-throughs' are logged by resource.
The number of times a resource is viewed and 'clicked-through' Logs both views and 'clicked-throughs'

Logging must be enabled for each resource and origin from which you want to collect statistics.

  • Logging by origin is enabled by default for the WebPAC and any Millennium origins you use.
  • Logging views and 'click-throughs' is enabled by default for any new resources you add.
  • You can disable logging for any origin or resource.

To View Statistics

  • Enter the start and end date for the statistics report.
  • Choose desired origins and resources. You can choose multiples by holding down the shift or control key.
  • Choose whether to retain or delete statistics after running the report.
  • Download statistics. A text file called webbridge_stat.txt, (viewable with word processing or spreadsheet software) is downloaded to your computer. The file is tab-delimited.

The Pathfinder Pro Statistics Report has the following elements:

Resource The name of the resource
Origin The origin where the user began the search (e.g., WebPAC, Millennium Serials).
Placement Where the search link was offered on the page. For example: WebPAC browse table, WebPAC browse panel, WebPAC bib table, WebPAC bib panel
Timestamp The time of the search in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format.
Clicked 0 indicates the link was not clicked
1 indicates the link was clicked.

Set Max Statistics File Size

You can set the maximum size for the Pathfinder Pro statistics file.

When the file reaches 90% of capacity, Pathfinder Pro sends an email alert. When the file reaches the maximum, Pathfinder Pro stops collecting statistics and sends a second email alert. To configure the maximum file size and email addresses:

Go to the Character based menu and choose:

  • A>ADDITIONAL system functions
  • A>ALTER system parameters
  • S>SYSTEM codes
  • O>Set system OPTIONS
  • D>Database maintenance
  • Choose WebBridge statistics limit

For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide and Reference, Page #108064: Viewing Pathfinder Pro Statistics and Page #108065: Setting the Statistics Log File Size