Setting up Resource Panels
The Resource Panel is a pop-up window and can be set up to display resources at the browse or bibliographic level. After one or more active resources are set to display in panel, the next step is to determine the display.
The panel requires several components to properly display. One element is the RESLINK web option. This determines the location of the button to launch the resource panel. The web option is divided into 4 sections, each separated with a "|"(vertical bar or pipe).
<bib display>|<browse display>|<record suppression>|<index suppression>
<bib display> Position of the Resource Link button on the bib record display. There are 8 possible locations each identified by a keyword:
Bibliographic Keyword | Location |
pretopitemmenu posttopitemmenu prebottomitemmenu postbottomitemmenu bibtop bibbottom bibresourcetop bibresourcebottom |
Above top navigation buttons Below top navigation buttons Above bottom navigation buttons Below bottom navigation buttons Above record data Below record data Top of resource table Bottom of resource table |
<browse display> Position of the Resource Link button on the browse display. This describes the position for two types of browse: index browse (phrase search) and record browse (keyword search). The two values are separated by a comma. There are 6 possible locations each identified by a keyword:
Index Browse Keyword | Location |
pretopbrowsemenu posttopbrowsemenu prebottombrowsemenu postbottombrowsemenu browseresourcetop browseresourcebottom |
Above top navigation buttons Below top navigation buttons Above bottom navigation buttons Below bottom navigation buttons Top of resource table Bottom of resource table |
Record Browse Keyword | Location |
pretopexactmenu posttopexactmenu prebottomexactmenu postbottomexactmenu browseresourcetop browseresourcebottom |
Above top navigation buttons Below top navigation buttons Above bottom navigation buttons After bottom navigation buttons Top of resource table Bottom of resource table |
<record suppression> Which record types will suppress the resource link button from displaying when viewing that record. Choices are b (bib), e (electronic resource) and r (course). More than one value can be supplied separated with a comma.
<index suppression> Which indexes will suppress the resource link button from displaying on the browse when searching by that index. Choices are:
Codes | Index |
a t q d w c g i o p r |
Author Title Author/Title (if this is selected, must also suppress on author) Subject Keyword Call # Gov Doc # ISSN OCLC # Course Instructor Course Name |
The following represents an example set of values used for this web option
For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide and Reference, Page #106937: RESLINK
The panel is designed in the file wp_panel.html. Prior to Release 2009B, this file could only reside on the live screens directory, but would be accessible on both the live (port 80) and staging (port 2082). In Release 2009B and later, the file can be staged prior to going live (i.e. a separate file can reside in the staging screens directory than in the live screens directory).
The panel can be customized with the library logo and styles. The content of the panel is determined by the setup of origins, categories, resources, data tests and filters.
For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide and Reference, Page# 108037: Customizing Resource Panels at the WebPAC Origin