Alternate Languages Search ResultsPrint this Page
Search Results
are always presented on a system generated page. The format of the page depends on the result of the search: a direct hit, a record or index browse, or a 'no-hit'.

These pages can be customized using Web Options, specialized forms, and style sheets.

As part of a search the user may limit the result. Options for limiting searches are specific to each library, although most libraries use similar options. The options are either presented directly on the search help page (keyword searches) or on the Limit/Sort form (phrase searching).

Regardless of format, all pages use the TOPLOGO and BOTLOGO to define which toplogo and bottom logo to display.
The standard navigation buttons are also used across all pages regardless of the page format.

This section describes the elements of the various search results forms in some detail, all from the viewpoint of preparing your WebPAC for alternate languages.