Alternate Languages Forms, files and functions Graphic FilesPrint this Page
Graphic Files
can be buttons, material type symbols or other images. Their use is defined by tokens on the customized forms, by optional Web Options, or by hardcoded behavior. In either case a BUT_ or ICON_ Web Option is normally used to define which file to use.

For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide & Reference, Page #106916: Graphic Buttons.

Graphic files are customized by language in the same way as HTML files, by adding the three letter language code. Note that naming conventions are extremely important for files used by the .

In some cases the system will supply a default button or a text link. Default buttons are usually easily identified by their grey color:

The text on the default buttons is provided by the general translation file. Most of these system generated buttons can be replaced by customized graphics or text links. This is indicated in the description of the appropriate customized form or Web Option.

Example of using customized buttons where possible: