Alternate Languages Search Results Browse ListsPrint this Page
Browse Lists
There are two types of browse lists: index browses and record browses.

An contains entries from the phrase index searched, e.g. the subject index:

This screen is not using a form, instead it is a combination of Web Options and some hardcoded pieces. For example, the use of navigation buttons is hardcoded but the buttons can be customized. Some other buttons, e.g. Sort and Search are hardcoded and can't be customized. Some elements on the screen can be customized using Web Options, but will otherwise use system defaults, such as some of the column labels.

For an overview of most elements used on an index browse screen, refer to the Innovative Guide & Reference, Page # 106890: Navigating the WebPAC Browse Display.

The general translation file provides translations of default texts and buttons. It also contains translations of any system generated message that appears on the screen. The index browse is also using values from files defined for each library, e.g. the index labels and the options on the scope menu:

Same search in Spanish:

("Limit search to available items" displays in English on the Spanish screen because the governing Web Option, AVAILLIM, is defined in English but there is no corresponding Spanish version)

A is a list of bibliographic records:

The top and bottom parts use the same settings as the index browse. The display of bibliographic information is defined by the . This form can vary by language:

briefcit.html - English version

briefcit_tur.html - Turkish version

For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide & Reference, Page # 107034: Brief Citation Form.

Texts triggered by tokens get translations from the general translation file, e.g. hold messages. Pay attention to the Web Options that some tokens use, and make sure corresponding options are set for all languages.