Content Search Results Phrase Index Index BrowsePrint this Page  Content
Index Browse
Index browse results occur on any phrase search (not available on keyword searches) that returns more than one heading.

NOTE: if only one heading is retrieved the screen will go to a record browse, if only one record is retrieved that record will be displayed.

The index browse shows a list of retrieved headings with the number of records found that match each heading. The display of index browse pages is determined by your style sheets and by Web Options.

Brief and Extended Web Options:

Index browse has two modes: Brief and Extended .

Brief has results with the same heading grouped together. In the Extended display, each title is listed separately. While Brief is the default display, your library can opt to change the default to Extended, if desired. There is a button on the results page that will allow your patrons to toggle between the Brief and Extended displays. The Brief and Extended Web Options control the fields from each record that display on an index browse page.

Brief display:

Extended Display:

For more information on Web Options, please see the page.

"It is also possible to see authority redirect messages in index browse screens. When a user performs a phrase search in which a satisfier is found in an authority record, and is not found in a bibliographic record, they will see an entry redirecting them to the correct or authorized version of that name, title, or subject. In this example, entry 9 shows an authority record for Mark Twain. The user searched in the author index for "clemens", and the name "clemens" is found as an alternate name in the Mark Twain name authority record. The WebPAC then inserts a message telling the user that Samuel Clemens is not used in this catalog - if that is who they are looking for they'll need to click the link to search for Mark Twain instead:

The message that appears for redirect messages depends on the data in your authority records. If the search term is a related but valid heading, users will get a "See also" redirect message. If they have searched on an invalid heading they will get a "See" redirect message.

For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide & Reference, Page # 106870: Viewing See References in the OPAC.

For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide & Reference, Page # 106871:Viewing See Also References in the OPAC.