Import URL and Link URL

Use Import URL for cases when the file you want to link to is on the web and the library wants to download a copy of it; this will save time downloading the file onto your computer and then uploading the file into the Millennium system.

Use Link URL to provide a link to a web page, e.g. the course web page, or the professor's web page.

HOT TIP - Link URL should be used for text on the Internet, particularly if it is being regularly updated. Import URL can be used for instances where all you have is a single image or a file on a web page.

If you click either button, you can then enter a URL. The URL for the document is entered in Import URL and the URL for the website or image is entered into the Link URL. Link URL also has a text box to add a link to a thumbnail image if available.

After the links are entered, click ok. You will then be taken to a view page. If you chose Import URL, you will be taken to a page where you can either view the document, or (for example with .pdf files), you can launch an application to view the document. With Link URL, you can only launch an application, which will be your default web browser.

If the URL options do not meet your expectations, you can start again. To start over, simply right click on the title in the left box of the Millennium window. This is the same title you entered in the Title box. When you right-click you will see an option for 'remove.' Clicking this option will remove the file you created.

After choosing your file, you will be taken to a screen to view the file. If the file looks good, click save. You have now added a media file to the record.

Millennium Media Management Tutorial Release © 2010