Options for limiting searches
Options for can be customized for each library. The standard options are similar to what you see on this screen:

This is a post-search limit, used to limit results from a phrase index search.
The values listed in the Location, Material type and Language tables are kept in separate files and can vary by language. The Location and Language tables are modified versions of the tables used to populate location and language fields. These tables are maintained by Innovative, and you will be asked to supply wording and translations as part of implementation, or when you request additions or changes. If a library staff member has taken the ASAA workshop (Advanced System Access and Administration) the library can maintain the tables from Millennium Adminstration.

The Material type table is either the standard table used to populate the Material Type field in bibliographic records, or a modified version specifically created for limiting. If the standard table is used, code values are translated from any Millennium staff module (menu Admin - Parameters - General - Fixed-length codes). If the library uses a modified version, the table is maintained by Innovative.
Your library may have other limit options that work the same way.

Labels for the dropdown options (Words in the ...) are translated in another file maintained by Innovative. These translations can be customized for each library as well.

The sort dropdown is governed by the optional SORT_BROWSE which can vary by language.

Some generic expressions, like 'ANY' and 'System Sorted' get translations from the general translation file.

This page uses the Limit/Sort Display Form, srchmod.html, which can vary by language:

srchmod.html - English version

srchmod_frf.html - French version

If there is no srchmod_[lang].html file on your system the English srchmod.html will be used, with translations displaying where they are taken from the general translation file or from other translated files:

If there is no srchmod.html either a will be used instead. In this case, all generic translations come from the general translation file:

The search limits used in keyword searching are basically the same as the post-search limit options, and use the same files to get translations. The Advanced Boolean Search Help Page, srchhelp_X.html can be customized by language:

srchhelp_X.html - English version

srchhelp_X_frf.html - French version