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Search Limiting and Sorting
Search Limiting: You can restrict the number of records that will be retrieved by limiting any search. This can be used in conjunction with a scoped search, allowing users to have a more specific search executed based on parameters from the bibliographic record such as:

  • year of publication
  • publisher
  • words in the title
  • author
  • subject fields
  • location
  • language
  • material type
You may use the default Advanced Boolean Search Help page (srchhelp_X.html), which includes pre-search limiting. There are many tokens that can be used in this and other search help pages to limit a search. Some of the advantages of using the Innovative created tokens are that there is less HTML coding to maintain, and the tokens are easy to add or remove. It is possible to replace the tokens with your own coding if you'd like something different than what the token provides.

You can sort the results of your search in a number of ways, so that your patrons have flexibility in how they view their results. The system sort is title based, using the first title field from the record. You also have the option to sort based on date or relevance. Date sorting is based on the publication date of the item, while relevance uses the search expression the patron has just typed.

NOTE: You can see the HTML that was generated by a token by selecting View - Page Source from your browser. Instead of seeing the token (as you do when viewing and editing the page in Web Master) you will see a section of HTML. You may be able to use this HTML as a starting point for creating your own coding. However, Innovative recommends using tokens whenever possible, for consistency and ease of use.

Search Sorting: It is possible to sort the display of records in the WebPAC before or after a search is performed. There are different sort options for phrase searching than for keyword searching.

Phrase Search Sorting: This is controlled by the SORT_BROWSE web option, where your library can define the types of sorting criteria you'd like to make available to your users.

For additional information about this Web Option, refer to the Innovative Guide & Reference Page # 106872: Search Results Options

Keyword Search Sorting: RightResult keyword searching allows users to sort by Date, Title, or Relevance. The system automatically sorts by Relevance, based on the RightResult algorithm.

For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide & Reference, Page # 107132: Sorting Results in the Browse Display

For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide & Reference, Page # 106866: Using Advanced Searching in the OPAC.

For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide & Reference, Page # 107133: Advanced Boolean Search Help Page.

For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide & Reference, Page # 106892: Limiting Searches in the WebPAC.