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Record Display
The full display of bibliographic records contains a number of modular components. With WebPAC Pro a customizable form is used to get even more control of the display.

The most important part of the full record display is the list of fields with labels and content. A bibliographic record presentation in Swedish could look like this:

The same page in English will have English field labels, column headers, status and message values:

The language of the variable fields will be whatever the record was cataloged in and doesn't change. Fixed fields can have values in alternate languages and may change depending on the language used for display. (Status and Message fields in the example above - Location can also be translated) Code values are translated from any Millennium staff module (menu Admin - Parameters - General - Fixed-length codes).

At the bottom of the structure is the Record Display Definition file, . It allows staff to define the fields to display, the order in which they should appear on a record display and the labels that should be used for each field group tag or for individual MARC tags. The file can vary by language:

webpub.def - English version

webpub_swe.def - Swedish version

The rest of the the full record display is governed by hardcoded behavior (mainly the standard navigation buttons), Web Options and the Bibliographic Record Display Form. This form can vary by language in the usual way:

bib_display.html - English version

bib_display_swe.html - Swedish version

For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide & Reference, Page # 106854: Bibliographic Record Display Form.