Proxy Method

The proxy method requires the browser software (Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc) to be configured to use the Innovative server as the proxy host. If your organization chooses to have browsers running in-house forwarded through the Innovative server (rather than reporting the IP addresses of the browsers to the subscription database vendor), your staff should perform this configuration. Your organization should also provide instructions on your Web pages informing those patrons who connect to the in-house Web OPAC from off-site how to do this. These instructions might appear on a separate page that is accessed via a link on the OPAC Menu page or a reference database page. A sample instruction page is provided as part of Web Access Management installation. This page is named wamproxy.html and you can view this page at:


Have your library's webmaster edit this page and link to it.

TIP : Some libraries have a link somewhere on their page called "Access Library Databases from outside the library" or "How can I access library databases from home?" and link to the wamproxy.html page.

CS Direct also has an on the proxy method.