Introduction and Prerequisites
Libraries who have acquired the Web OPAC User Interface Languages product (Product Code 160) can customize their WebPAC to offer interfaces in the languages that they have purchased.

The WebPAC can be presented in one alternate language only, with or without English as a complement, or in multiple languages. When multiple languages are present, the library can set a default language for the WebPAC.

Customization of the WebPAC for this purpose is complex and includes many areas. Innovative is responsible for some parts, especially during installation, but the library bears the main responsibility for customization and maintenance. For example HTML files and graphics need to be created, translated and customized, Web Options have to be customized and labels translated. All areas are discussed in the following sections, from the viewpoint of preparing for alternate languages. For full details about each feature, please refer to corresponding sections in this tutorial. The last section contains a suggested workflow with tips on how to get started.

If the library will use only one alternate language, and not offer English, the process is simplified. Please refer to the discussion of Web Option LANG in .