Functionality Features and Products Products Community ReviewsPrint this Page  Functionality
Community Reviews
You can use the Community Reviews product in WebPAC Pro to offer patrons who have logged in to their account via My Millennium the ability to add text reviews of items in the catalog for the benefit of other readers. WebPAC Pro displays a portion of related reviews in the record display.

NOTE: Your library must be running WebPAC Pro in order to use the Community Reviews product.

Library staff can moderate reviews submitted by patrons in the Community Manager Web-based staff interface. You can access the Community Manager using:

  • The Moderate link that displays in the notification email the system generates when a patron submits a review or reports abuse.
  • The Moderate link that displays in the bibliographic record when you are logged in as staff and viewing the public view.
  • The Community Manager URL. By default, your Community Manager URL is:

http://[your library address]/iii/community/reviews

You must validate using initials and password to access the Community Manager. Once you have successfully validated, the system displays a list of unapproved Community Reviews.