Testing & Troubleshooting
Testing New Resources
To test the functionality of newly configured resources, one effective way of testing is to utilize the data in Millennium Administration's Coverage Edit mode by searching for the content in your properly configured external Origins.
Steps to testing a Resource:- To begin, in Coverage Edit, select the coverage entry for the newly configured resource to see its journal coverage details.
- Take note of the Journal Title and/or ISSN and the dates of coverage for one of the journal titles.
NOTE: It is very important that entries have a Journal Title or ISSN, and a Start Date in order for WebBridge LR to be able to properly calculate Full Text availability in a Resource. If there is no start date, WebBridge LR cannot properly execute a Match test between the coverage database and the article availability within a Resource.
- Search for that Journal Title (or ISSN) in a properly configured Origin, such as Google Scholar.
- If a citation in the Origin's result set contain articles that are published within the Start Date and End Date of the Journal within the Coverage Database in Millennium, then there should be a link to WebBridge LR displaying in the result set for those citations. If the publication date of the articles is not within the dates of coverage, there may not be a link to WebBridge LR.
- Finally, click on the WebBridge LR link to be sure that the Resource being tested shows up in the WebBridge LR Panel.
Why isn't my Resource Showing up in the Panel even though it seems properly configured?
There are several things that could cause a Resource NOT to display in the panel.
Did you check...
- Category Suppression Rules for that Origin?
- If the Category is configured to display coming from that Origin?
- If the Origin is configured to display Resources for that Category?