
This page of the tutorial is intended to provide some tips on using WebBridge (Product Code 201AMB) and Web Access Management to troubleshoot each other. Libraries that have not purchased WebBridge can skip this page.

Before proceeding, make sure you have ruled out the common issues for not connecting: can you access another www link (, , ) through your browser; is your machine plugged securely into the wall; can the problem be replicated on another machine.

If linking does not work with WebBridge, try the link in the address bar. If it does not work, check your address and contact your vendor in order to rule out a mistyped address or down vender server. IP authentication can come into the equation, either in LNA or on the vendors' server, if you are using a PC within the correct IP range.

If the address is correct, and the vender server is functioning, check your syntax if using the and in the WebBridge table.

If you are asked to authenticate, check your . Specifically check the IP address, Service Level, Verify and Verify Patron Type. These could be out of sequence with what library is intending.