Verified Patron Table

Please Note: You must be authorized for function 698 (Edit the Web Access Management Verified Patron Table) to edit the Verified Patron Table. If you are authorized for function 651 (View System Parameters) but not for function 698, you can view this file but cannot edit it. See your Millennium System Administrator for details.

The Verified Patron table defines the patron types that must authenticate themselves before accessing a restricted database (as defined in the Forward Table and the Limit Network Access table) via an alternate IP address set by your organization. Add entries for each incoming patron type, or group of patron types, that will send an alternate IP address to the database vendor. The Verified Patron table looks like:

The Verified Patron table has three data fields in each entry that need to be filled out.

IP Address Used : This entry is the alternate IP address to be sent to the vendor.

Home Libraries : If your organization does not differentiate between incoming patron types sending the same IP address to the vendor, enter "all" at this prompt. For example, for all patrons of PTYPE 60 to send the same IP address to the vendor, set "Home Libraries" to "all."

TIP : If your organization differentiates between the IP address sent to the vendor by home library and the IP address sent by the patron type, enter the five-character Home Library location code. If the code is shorter than five characters, insert extra spaces at the end to make it five characters long.

Patron Types : Enter the patron types. Entries can be comma-delimited or in a range, for example, "1-5,10,60". Enter "all" for all patron types. You can use open-ended ranges to include all patron types to the end of the list. For example, "1-5,10,55-" would include patron types 1 through 5, 10, and 55 to the end.

Use the following toolbar options to create entries in or edit the Verified Patron table.

Append : Select this option to add a new entry to the end of the Verified Patron table. The system will prompt you to key each data element for the new entry (see the description of the data elements above).

Save : To save your changes to the Verified Patron table, choose Save. If you make changes to the Verified Patron table and do not save those changes, the system prompts you to save before you exit the Verified Patron table.

Delete: To delete an entry, select the entry and choose Delete. The deletion is not final until you save your changes.

Copy : To add a new entry that is similar to one that already exists in the table, you can copy the existing entry and then modify the appropriate data elements. The new entry is added to the end of the table.

Insert : To insert a new resource entry, choose Insert. At the Insert dialog (shown below), answer the prompts as needed.

Choose OK to save the changes once you are done or choose Cancel to cancel the changes. Choose Print to print the entry you are adding.

Edit : To edit the elements of an existing entry, select the entry and choose Edit. Make your changes in the dialog box that appears, then choose OK to save the changes once you are done or Cancel to cancel the changes. Choose Print to print the entry you are adding.

Move : To reorganize the entries, select the entry that you want to move and choose Move.

Print : To print the Verified Patron table, choose Print. Select the printer to use, then choose OK.

Close : Choose Close to close the Verified Patron table.