Multiple IP Support

Some libraries purchase support for multiple IP's. If your library did not purchase support for multiple IP's you can skip this section of the tutorial.

Multiple IP's allow the library to specify additional incoming IP's that may have access to the various databases. This could be very useful in a university setting, where the library may have its own IP address that is different from the campus. Having multiple IP support will allow the library to add the campus IP so any computer connected to the campus IP will be recognized as if it were in the library.

You must complete the following steps before you set up Multiple IP Support for Web Access Management:

  1. List all incoming IP addresses and incoming patron types for which you want patrons directed to specific vendor databases. For example, you might want to limit access to a medical database to medical students. In this case, you will need a patron type for medical students.
  2. Note your system's IP addresses allocated for use by Multiple IP Support for Web Access Management.
  3. Associate the correct alternate IP address with an appropriate specific database (e.g., a medical database, a law database), incoming IP addresses, and incoming patron types.
  4. Inform your database vendors of the alternate IP addresses that they can expect from your system. They should associate the appropriate databases with the incoming IP address (e.g., the vendor should associate your specified IP address range for medical students with the vendor's medical database).
  5. Software Only Customers : Customers with a "Software Only" package must configure the system for IP ranges. Review the Software Only Multiple IP Setup section for details.
This next few pages detail setting up multiple IP support. Click on one of the links below to find out more information on that topic.
  • Verified and Unverified Patron Table
  • Considerations for 'software only' customers (customers that initially only purchased the software, and not the server, from Innovative Interfaces.)