IntroductionPrint this Page
This tutorial introduces the management of WebPAC Pro using the Millennium Administration module and the Web Master and Web Options modes.

Whether you make just a few, or many changes to the WebPAC, this tutorial can help you by providing an overview, helpful references, and step-by-step instructions for performing common management tasks.

The tutorial will concentrate on the primary elements of WebPAC management:

  1. Presentation
  2. Content
  3. Functionality
The tutorial as a whole can be used in different ways.

Step - by step
For the new WebPAC administrator, or for the customer who is just beginning to implement their Millennium system, it can be followed in a step-by-step manner, using the and navigation icons, in which case it will cover all topics in the tutorial.

Topic based approach
A second way to use the tutorial is to use the topic based approach. Simply select the topic you are interested in (Functionality, for example) and link directly to the section that deals with that topic.

Reference guide
Finally, customers who wish to use the tutorial as a reference guide to information about the WebPAC can use the links within the tutorial to go directly to the page in the Innovative Guide & Reference with the information about the topic in question.