calling list
The Callling List allows access to Call List table. This table displays the phone number, name, host id, status, optional say date and message to be played. When Millennium Circulation sends notices to "TNS" (Teleforms), the new calls are added dynamically to the Calling List. As the system is running, call result information is recorded and displayed. This table can be sorted by clicking on any column header, and the data will then be sorted by the selected field.

The information in the Calling List can be viewed in this table or exported for analysis by the library. Please see page of this tutorial.

Another aspect of the Calling List may be found in the File dropdown menu. Here you have the option to set all calls to "INCOMPLETE except COMPLETE" or to set all calls to "PENDING except COMPLETE".

Set all to INCOMPLETE: This function will set all calls not yet successfully made to incomplete (as if Teleforms failed to deliver a message). It will leave the completed calls as complete (Teleforms did play a message). When setting all calls to incomplete, for instances when the phone system is down, the notices may still be printed.

Set all to PENDING: This function will set all future calls to pending (teleforms has not successfully called this number) except those that are completed. This option will set the incomplete calls to pending.

HOT TIP - Set all to PENDING can be used for any instance that Teleforms is unable to make a call. Incomplete calls will also change to pending.