multiple machines
If your library has multiple Teleforms PCs, you should use portloca in to divide the call load by Locations Served. A Teleforms PC will place calls only for those Locations Served entries that it is assigned. For hold pickup notices, the Teleforms PC verifies to which Locations Served the pickup location belongs. For overdue notices, the Teleforms PC verifies to which Locations Served the patron's home library belongs.

On each Teleforms PC, enter the unique identifier of each Locations Served entry (or entries separated by commas) that the Teleforms PC serves. Contact Innovative to obtain the unique identifier number.

For multiple Teleforms PCs, you must ensure that the following conditions are true.

  • all Locations Served entries are assigned to a Teleforms PC
  • no Locations Served entry is assigned to more than one Teleforms PC
All Locations Served entries must be entered into only one of the Teleforms PCs. If a Locations Served entry is assigned to more than one Teleforms PC, then a patron in that Locations Served could get multiple phone calls for the same hold or overdue. If a Location Served entry is not assigned to a Teleforms PC, the system will ignore patrons with overdues and holds from that Location Served.