
  • I'm a new Innovative Interfaces customer. When can I start running Teleforms?

    For new Innovative Customers, all Millennium modules must be in place and working before Teleforms is installed. After all modules are installed, please call Innovative to have the system turned on.

  • I opened some of the Teleforms files and saw many options. What can I modify?

    Only modify the options specified in this tutorial. Making changes to any of the other options can cause the software to become unstable and possibly malfunction.

  • Why is Teleforms calling people at hours I did not set?

    Make sure that the clock on the computer is accurate. Teleforms uses the computer's clock to regulate when it should and should not call. Check the clock after power outages, Spring/Fall time changes, etc. Also check your time setups in .

  • The Teleforms machine looks like a regular computer. Can I use it as a staff computer?

    If possible, never use the Teleforms computer system provided by Innovative Interfaces for anything other than its intended purpose. Also, do not install any major programs (such as Photoshop) onto the system. Doing so may cause Teleforms to not function properly. However, you should install the anti-virus software your library uses onto the system and keep it updated.

  • Answering machines and voice mails only record half the message. Is there anything I can I do?

    We've seen this before, and it happens mainly because the voicemail message from the answering machine is too long. You can set the REPEATMSG in the Message Profile to "True." If the message gets cut-off, it will be replayed in its entirety the 2nd time.

  • Do I need to click "Start" everyday?

    You don't need to click the 'start' button every day. Once you are ready to send out notices on a regular basis, all you need to do is set the Calling Days and Calling Times and then click 'Start'. This will take care of the weekends as well.

  • Does Teleforms know if a certain day is a holiday?

    Teleforms does not distinguish if a weekday is a holiday or not. It only looks for the days you have checked in the Calling Days table. If you have a holiday coming up, you will need to click 'Stop', uncheck the day the the holiday falls on, then click 'Start'. Remember to change it back after the holiday.

  • What do the messages in the LastResult column mean?

    Following the most recent attempt the LastResult will display the one of the following messages:

PLAYED MSG: The message was played

BUSY: A busy signal was encountered.

INTERRUPT: Interrupt means the system encountered a phone company interrupt signal. Normally, three tones play and the prerecording of "the line is not in service or has been disconnected" or "all circuits are busy now, please try your call again later."

MAX RING: The built in maximum number of rings has been reached and there was no answer.

FAX: A fax machine was encountered.

BLOCKED: The call was blocked/number was blocked. If the call should not have been blocked, recheck your .

  • How can I make sure that an unsuccessful call is repeated in the evening?

    On a smaller system, the maximum number of attempts may finish relatively early in the day. To spread out the time between attempts, increase the time in the AttemptDelay. See the page of this tutorial for more information. Larger systems generally find that this is not an issue due to the number of calls being made as the greater numbers provide a natural spread of time between attempts.

  • In the morning, do we need to do anything if there are any pending calls left over from the previous day?

    Any pending calls leftover will be sent the next operating day. Teleforms is designed to be a hands-off operation.

  • Why do I get a time violation?

    A time violation will occur if Teleforms is started before the allowed operational times.

  • Is there a convenient way to view the number of hold pickup notices in the Teleforms client?

    No, but you can view this in Millennium with the feature Notices History. Please see the Innovative Guide and Reference Page 107241 for more details.

  • I printed my Unsuccessful TNS Notices. Why are those items still displaying in Teleforms?

    There is a setting you may update that determines the number of days Teleforms history displays. The recommended number of days is 14, but it can be any number up to 365 days. Every item originally attempted as a Teleforms call will be included regardless of the result.

  • If hold pickups are queued by multiple libraries after the calling has begun, do they append to the same file or do they wait until the following day?

    The hold pickup notices are queued up immediately and are typically eligible for calling within 5 minutes of sending the notices to Teleforms.

  • When I start up the Teleforms application, I get this pop-up: Dialogic channel is not available to place calls! Please start Dialogic system.

    Whenever rebooting the Teleforms PC, wait 5-10 minutes before starting the Teleforms application.

  • Patron's name spoken too fast (Windows 7 only)

    When I turn 'SAYNAME' on the patron's name sounds like jibberish.
    To change the speed do the following:

    1. Stop and Exit out of TeleformsD.
    2. Start > Control Panel > Speech Recognition.
    3. Open "Text to Speech".
    4. Under "Voice Speed" adjust scroll bar towards normal or slow.
    5. Apply and exit then test to see if more adjustment is needed.

  • The IP address or Hostname of our Millennium server has changed. How do we update the server IP address/Hostname on our Teleforms PC?

    To update the IP/hostname with the new server IP/hostname

    1. On the Teleforms PC, launch or click on the Teleforms icon on your Windows desktop
    2. Select Edit –> Database Configuration
    3. Click User DSN tab and highlight TeleformsRemote (MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver)
    4. Click Configure
    5. In the Login tab, update the Server field with the new IP Address or Full Hostname
    6. Click Test to make sure you get good connection (ie. you should get "Success; connection was made!"), then click Ok
    7. Click Ok to exit ODBC Data Source Administrator