Material created for Reserves

If the material you need to attach to the course record does not exist in your library's catalog (for example, a professor's personal copy), you will need to create a brief bibliographic record and an item record for the material. Depending on your library's cataloging practices for keying records, this record could contain only basic bibliographic information, or be a fully cataloged record.

Search for the course record to which you want to add a new bibliographic record. At this screen, click the 'Add Items or Bib' button. In the new window that appears, click the New button on the toolbar at the top of the window.

You can also choose the drop down menu File | New Record | New Bibliographic or you can enter Ctrl+N.

Depending on how your login is configured, this will either prompt you to select a template for the new record, or will launch a preselected template.

If your login is configured to use the "wizard", different prompts will pop up asking for information to be filled in. Once all the fields that are set to prompt are filled in, you can edit fields, add other fields, or save the record.

If your login does not use the "wizard", you will be presented with a new record form, without prompts. Double click on each fixed-length field to see its options. To insert variable-length fields, you can click the Insert button, or use the drop-down Edit | Insert Field, or hit Ctrl+I. This will prompt the insert field window. Use the drop-down to decide which field you want to use and fill in the information.

HOT TIP - It may be useful for your library to have a specific template to use when you create bibliographic records that should be attached to course reserves. This will allow you to specify which information is required to be entered into the record. You may for example want to add a local note or a code, which makes it easy to retrieve records for statistical purposes or updating.

For additional information, refer to the Innovative Guide and Reference, Page # 105679: Creating Record Templates

After you save the bibliographic record, depending on the settings for your login, you may then be prompted to create single or multi-item records. If you are prompted, select whether or not to create single or multiple items. If you want to create multiple items, you can enter the beginning barcode, the number of items you want to create, and specify the volume numbering, if appropriate.

For the new item record, enter the information used by your library. You can use the same instructions as described above for editing fixed-length fields and inserting variable-length fields.

Save the records you created and add them to the course record.

HOT TIP - If you have many records to create for Course Reserves, you may want to consider using the Millennium Cataloging module to make the process of bib/item creation more streamlined. You would thus create all the bib and item records before creating course records or linking to existing course records.